First edition, First printing, (pre-LOC copy) of “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. Published by Harper & Row in 1963. This scarce copy does not have an Library of Congress Catalog Card Number (LOC number) on the copyright page.

This is an exceptional find – an exceedingly rare pre-LOC (Library of Congress) first edition, first printing of “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. Published by Harper & Row in 1963, this copy stands out for not featuring the LOC Catalog Card Number on the copyright page, confirming its authenticity as a true first printing.
The absence of the LOC number is an important detail that distinguishes this copy as one of the earliest editions of this beloved children’s classic. Various authoritative sources concur with this fact, including the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America (ABAA).

The copy is a testament to careful preservation over the years. All pages remain securely stitched to the hinge without any seam splits. While some surface abrasions are noticeable, as seen in the gallery images, they do not diminish the clarity of the image on the front panel. There is minor wear on the top right and bottom corners of the front and back panels, yet the pages themselves remain clean and tear-free, preserving the book’s integrity.

Additional Information:
It’s crucial to note that this pre-LOC copy is a distinct rarity among collectors of Maurice Sendak’s work. The LOC Catalog Card Number is assigned by the Library of Congress to a book after its publication and cataloging. As a result, books published before being assigned an LOC Catalog Card Number, like this one, do not feature it. The CIP (Cataloging in Publication) program had yet to be established when this first printing was produced.
Authoritative references, including Bill McBride’s “Points of Issue: A Compendium of Points of Issue of Books by 19th-20th Century Authors,” and the ABAA’s information, affirm the absence of an LOC Catalog Card Number on the earliest copies of “Where the Wild Things Are.” Additionally, WorldCat, an online database cataloging holdings of libraries worldwide, lists first editions without an LOC Catalog Card Number.
In a world of evolving literary landscapes, this pre-LOC first edition captures the essence of an era when children’s books came to life, offering a unique glimpse into the early history of this cherished classic. An extraordinary collector’s item, this book awaits a special place in the heart of those who value the enchantment of “Where the Wild Things Are.”

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